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Toronto, ON

Flyingfish offers multi-media production services specializing in aerial and underwater cinematography.  We employ custom-built octocopter UAV platforms capable of precise stabilization and an unlimited range of camera movement. Done team Toronto.

Drone Filming

Aerial,Cinematography, Videography, Photography, Toronto, Canada, Film, Remote Controle, Cinestar, Octocopter, Flight, red, video, HD, UAV, Movi, Quadrocopter, Octocopter, Documentary, Professional, Drone, UAS, Fly, Sky,Eye,Aviation, FSOC, Pilot, TV, What is new. 


Drone Developers Consider Obstacles that Can't Be Flown Around

Christiaan Cloete

An experimental Google delivery drone in Queensland, Australia. Legal, social and financial hurdles for drone use remain. CreditGoogle

An experimental Google delivery drone in Queensland, Australia. Legal, social and financial hurdles for drone use remain. CreditGoogle

As with emerging and very promising technologies, the media often get carried away. It's unlikely that pizza will be arriving on your doorstep anytime soon. 

Besides allowing us to capture images in ways that were previously impossible, the number of lives that could be saved in areas hit by natural disasters or where it is too dangerous to send in relief workers is a very positive step forward. 

Source: NY Times