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Toronto, ON

Flyingfish offers multi-media production services specializing in aerial and underwater cinematography.  We employ custom-built octocopter UAV platforms capable of precise stabilization and an unlimited range of camera movement. Done team Toronto.

Drone Filming Companies

Aerial,Cinematography, Videography, Photography, Toronto, Canada, Film, Remote Controle, Cinestar, Octocopter, Flight, red, video, HD, UAV, Movi, Quadrocopter, Octocopter, Documentary, Professional, Drone, UAS, Fly, Sky,Eye,Aviation, FSOC, Pilot, TV, What is new. 



Christiaan Cloete

In this 3-day workshop, we present an introduction to UAVs and review the rules and regulatory concerns of this new technology. Students are provided with an in-studio flight simulation and gain valuable practical experience during our full-day demonstrations with a DSLR camera and the Flyingfish Octocopter!

Day 3 (Nov 2nd, 2014): Practical, outdoor flight session in the park. Taught by industry pro Flyingfish Productions at the Humber School of Media Studies - The Part Time School