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Toronto, ON

Flyingfish offers multi-media production services specializing in aerial and underwater cinematography.  We employ custom-built octocopter UAV platforms capable of precise stabilization and an unlimited range of camera movement. Done team Toronto.


Drone Filming

Aerial,Cinematography, Videography, Photography, Toronto, Canada, Film, Remote Controle, Cinestar, Octocopter, Flight, red, video, HD, UAV, Movi, Quadrocopter, Octocopter, Documentary, Professional, Drone, UAS, Fly, Sky,Eye,Aviation, FSOC, Pilot, TV, What is new. 


Drones Could Grow to $11 Billion Industry by 2024

Christiaan Cloete

A U.S. Air Force MQ-1 Predator flies near the Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville, Calififornia, on Jan. 7, 2012. (Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Effrain Lopez/Released)

A U.S. Air Force MQ-1 Predator flies near the Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville, Calififornia, on Jan. 7, 2012. (Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Effrain Lopez/Released)

According to an annual market study run by analysts at the Teal Group, drones used for nonmilitary purposes make up roughly 11 percent of all drone technologies being developed and produced for civilian uses, only a small portion of today's UAV market. Analysts expect this to grow to at least 14 percent by the end of the decade.

The report breaks down the civilian drone market into three categories: Government UAVs, Commercial UAVs and Hobbyist UAVs.

Source: LiveScience

USS Kittiwake Goes Under

Christiaan Cloete

Kittiwake is Cayman’s newest dive siteThe U.S.S. Kittiwake is finally underwater. The former US navy submarine rescue ship is now an artificial reef sitting on the ocean floor 60 feet below the surface. The Kittiwake is at the northern end of Seven …

Kittiwake is Cayman’s newest dive site

The U.S.S. Kittiwake is finally underwater. The former US navy submarine rescue ship is now an artificial reef sitting on the ocean floor 60 feet below the surface. The Kittiwake is at the northern end of Seven Mile Beach.

Featured on Cayman 27 News, reporting on an underwater historical event for West Bay, Grand Cayman. 

Christiaan speaks, as a certified diving professional, about the sinking of USS Kittiwake in 2011. She was a former US Navy submarine rescue ship that was launched at the end of WWII.

Talking Drones on CBC Canada

Christiaan Cloete

Christiaan Cloete speaks to a CBC reporter about recent UAV incidents and best practices in Toronto.

Christiaan Cloete speaks to a CBC reporter about recent UAV incidents and best practices in Toronto.

Talking about recent UAV incidents and the state of the industry with CBC Canada.  In recent weeks there have been a number of situations in which amateur UAV enthusiasts have inadvertently flown too close to airports or in restricted airspace, causing disruption and prompting Aviation Canada to respond with a review of the current situation.